Education - Malta

  Guides & Articles

International Schools in Malta

This list contains the most popular international and bilingual schools in Malta, including nursery schools, primary and secondary (high) schools. We provide information on which schools offer the International Baccalaureate and/or other accreditation in Malta with fee information. Schools may follow the American or British curriculums with English speaking program while others run under the Russian language and system.

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Education in Malta

The educational system in Malta is closely linked to the British system. Education in Malta is compulsory from age five to sixteen and is structured in three stages: primary (ages 3-11), secondary (ages 11-18) and post secondary/tertiary. The standards for education in Malta are very high and are comparable to other European countries.

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Official languages and learning

Government business is carried out in English and Maltese. Most Maltese learn English in school, where secondary and tertiary education is provided exclusively in English.

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