Education - Netherlands

  Guides & Articles

The Dutch Education System: it's good and it's different

There are differences from city to city to consider although most schools are governed and funded by The Ministry of Education, Culture and Science (OCW for short). Those that are not, are private, fee-paying schools – much like you would find in the UK. So, let's understand the leerplichtwet, discover what a ‘cito -score is and when children are taught ‘fietsvaardigheidslessen'.

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International Schools in the Netherlands

This list contains the most popular international and bilingual schools in the Netherlands, including nursery schools, primary and secondary (high) schools. We provide information on which schools offer the International Baccalaureate and/or other accreditation in the Netherlands with fee information. Schools may follow the American or British curriculum with an English speaking program while others run under the French, Japanese, Chinese, Indonesian or German language and system.

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