Every year, 30% of applicants fail because of errors in their application forms. Many Green Card Lottery applicants make mistakes in their application. They fill in their forms incorrectly, submit more than one form, provide incorrect photos or enter incorrect details or not provide essential information. All of these errors cause applications to be rejected.
There is no fee to enter the Green Card Lottery. There is, however, a charge for the services this organization provides through their site.
This organisation makes several commitments:
Guaranteed no mistakes in the application form: They verify that you provide all of the required information on time and that your application and photos are submitted correctly. If there are any problems with your information, we will contact you and make sure the correct details are provided.
Quick registration in about 10 minutes: It’s a 3-step process of checking eligibility, applying and processing your application (kept confidential at all times).
Register any day of the year: You can sign up any time you have access to a computer.
Update your personal details and photo at any time: Once you have registered through this site, you can update your personal information and photos any time.
Register for successive years: If you are not selected in the next Green Card Lottery, you may be automatically entered into following lotteries.
Translation of the application form: Translations and support of the registration pages are provided in your language.
Send photos by email or regular mail: They edit and print the photo to the exact requirements of the Green Card Lottery application.
Winners contacted by regular mail, email, fax and telephone to ensure they are notified: If you win, we will contact you many times in many different ways to ensure you are notified.
Support and advice from our team of experts: They provide all of the information, counselling, support and services that you need to live your American dream.
Feel free to contact them at any time for any issues or questions.
Applicants must have a high school education or its equivalent as successful completion of a 12-year course of elementary and secondary education; OR two years of work experience, within the past five years, in an occupation requiring two years of training or experience to perform.