Needless to say, purchasing a property overseas is a pretty challenging process for most. When you purchase a property abroad you’re putting currency exchange into the mix, adding a cherry on top of a many layered cake.
Read MoreAfter packing up your life and moving to a new country, you may find you need to either send money back home on a regular basis or else transfer it overseas. Using a bank might sound like the simplest way of managing such transfers, but is it?
Read MoreWhen it comes to transferring money overseas you have two main options: using a bank or using a broker. If you wish to use a broker, this article will outline how the process works.
Read MoreEmigration numbers from the UK continue to rise, lending support to the notion that many see life abroad as a feasible and attractive alternative to staying in the UK. For those weighing up the decision to move abroad there are many factors that must be considered.
Read MoreAre you an expat, or planning to expatriate? Do you perhaps own a foreign property? If you want to pay for your foreign mortgage with funds from back home, for instance, how do you transfer them in the safest manner, and with the best exchange rate? What we’d like to do in this article is spell out some tips for you, so that you find yourself in the best possible position when you come to transfer money abroad.
Read More"A fun compulsive read!"
J. Matcham, Amazon
"I strongly advise people ready to live abroad to read this book!"
Patrice, Amazon